aayurvigyaan sanbandhee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. A broad debate is committed to the sharing of responsibilities between the political authorities and medical bodies 2. After medical studies, Foucault turned to experimental physics 3. aid to education, aid to minorities, medical assistance 4. Born in Marcillac-sur-Lot, Cahors rises college and then medical student, first at Montpellier, and in 1811 in Paris, Jean-Pierre Falret frequent especially the Salpêtrière hospital, where he knows Pinel 5. Considered one of the masters of medical education in France, he later published his Universa Medicina, which he treated in class methodically and clearly medical knowledge

Given are the examples of hindi word aayurvigyaan sanbandhee usage in english sentences. The examples of aayurvigyaan sanbandhee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., medical.

Surprising no one who knew him, Richard Ebright graduated from Harvard with highest honours, second in his class of 1,5 Ebright went on to become a graduate student researcher at Harvard Medical School.

Foreign tourists visit India for heritage tourism, eco tourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism, medical tourism and business tourism.
Often, the very first step involves providing material relief in the form of food, clothing, medical help, shelter, and financial help.
The poor are more likely to suffer from specific mental illnesses compared to the rich, possibly due to constant worriness about basic necessities, feelings of insecurity, or inability to get medical facilities, especially for mental illnesses.
Breaking the poverty cycle, and helping the poor to attain self-sufficiency — Initially, financial relief, medical and other facilities may have to be provided to the poor.
In Indian society, medical advice by or for a female is often delayed because of various reasons — they are less valued, or because of the belief that they are hardy, or the shame associated with the disease.
I had just set up medical practice and my earnings were meagre.
I would get married to a woman doctor who had plenty of money and a good medical practice.
For example, doctors are engaged in the medical profession and are subject to the regulations of the Medical Council of India, the concerned professional body.
But if they are patented and sold by a medical firm tomorrow, they could become economically valuable.
संबंधित शब्द आयुर्विज्ञान संबन्धी के पर्यायवाची आयुर्विज्ञान संबन्धी के विपरीत शब्द